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Geophysical Services

Mainly resistivity because it is the best method compared to other geophysical method such as gravity, magnetic and lastly seismic. It is a method to have an eye on what kid of formation under the soil.

Drilling and Construct

Drill and later construct the well after all the study and research are done. Drilling type including shallow well and deep well. Normally shallow well is used for small area of plantation and house. Deep well normally used for factory, palm oil plantation, and paddy field.

Hydrogeological Analysis

Analyse data from pumping test to determine value of Transmissivity(T), Specific Yield(Sy), Hydraulic Conductivity(K) and others using Aquifer Test Pro. Each type of aquifer will analyse using different model of analysis.

River Survey

To determine river bed profile, velocity, flow rate in the river using latest and reliable technology.

Water Treatment System

Provide treatment system that best suite to your design. Design will be taken into consideration of the water quality and water consumption per day.

Mineral Water

Provide consultation and work to develop mineral water industry. Starting form location, drilling, testing, water quality and licensing.

Tubewell Renewal and Licensing

Provide service on tubewell renewal and licensing from the right authorities. Illegal tubewell construction will be liable to action by the responsible party.

Pumping Test

This is the most important thing in Groundwater abstraction. Our team will conduct the pumping test with appropriate method starting with surging, step drawdown, constant rate test, and recovery test.
Pump Installation

Pump Installation

Install suitable pump for the tubewell with control panel and level sensor. No worries on dry suction. Our pump is controlled by level sensor, pump will stop before water lower down up to certain level.

Dewatering System

To simulate groundwater flow and potential of groundwater abstraction using Visual Modflow software. It is compulsory to control the groundwater impact to the environment especially in large amount of abstraction. Also, be implemented on downstream oil and gas industry to determine leakage and mitigation if it happened.
Groundwater Modelling

Groundwater Modelling

To simulate groundwater flow and potential of groundwater abstraction using Visual Modflow software. It is compulsory to control the groundwater impact to the environment especially in large amount of abstraction. Also, be implemented on downstream oil and gas industry to determine leakage and mitigation if it happened.
Well Rehabilitation

Well Rehabilitation

Well rehabilitation comprises all measures that are undertaken to restore the functionality of a well, and generally consists of various treatments or redevelopment methods. The efficiency of the tubewell will analyse using specific capacity test to compare the efficiency of tubewell before and after rehabilitation.